Career Development Series: Get Promoted! Strategies to accelerate your career – 28 April 2022

What is your strategy for a propelled career advancement in a world of unknowns and a shift in the way people think about work? We invited a highly sought-after Career Mentor and Career Strategist, Adrian Choo, to speak to a roomful of students and alumni on 28 April 2022. Regional students and alumni also joined us at this hybrid workshop.

Adrian Choo was recently invited to join Forbes Coaches Council, and he co-authored numerous books with content from his decade-long career as a C-suite head-hunter with a top executive search firm. During this 45-minute ‘Career Development Series workshop, Adrian shared practical tips on career acceleration strategies like the new career advancement rules, internal branding, the subtle art of self-promotion, and the game-changer – developing your executive presence.

Adrian kept the participants engrossed and received spontaneous questions from the floor. More questions were posed during the Q&A session, and we swiftly moved into a networking session, where we saw the alumni and students sharing their career queries and seeking more career tips!

Adrian Choo
Career Mentor | Thought Leader

Adrian “The Career Strategist” Choo is a highly sought-after Career Mentor and Thought Leader. Often quoted in the leading media channels and newspapers, he has a weekly “Happy-at-Work” segment every Thursday morning on Singapore’s top Morning Show “Glenn and The Flying Dutchman on OneFM 91.3” where he discusses the important career topics of the day. 

As the CEO/Founder of Career Agility International, he has authored numerous books with content borne from his decade-long career as a C-suite Head-hunter with a top executive search firm. His previous companies include Shell and GE Plastics. He currently coaches Senior Executives on Career Strategy™ and Career Agility™, enabling them to enjoy sustainable and fulfilling careers. Most recently, he was invited to join Forbes Coaches Council.

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